Out of his fullness we have all received grace upon grace already given. John 1:16

What is grace?

Most Christians agree that biblically it means receiving undeserved favor. Getting what you don’t deserve because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. More specifically, receiving salvation and forgiveness of our sins, not because of our behavior or some action on our part, but because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.

I think that grace upon grace means we’ve  been offered this incredible, astonishing grace, the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. But then, once we acknowledge and accept that, God gives us even more grace. Grace for every day of our lives. Grace to face every problem that confronts us.

Grace to change and transform into what God intended for us to be. Grace to forgive and  to accept forgiveness. Grace to love the unlovable, and to accept love. Grace to rise above the unfairness that is in the world. And to serve others even when we don’t feel that we are being served fairly. Grace for compassion even when we don’t feel it. Grace for patience even when we don’t have it. Grace for kindness and connection when we really  don’t even want it.

Grace for a kind of Love that supersedes simple human love. Grace for agape love, this God-like, self sacrificing, all encompassing Love that we can only find and only feel and only give when He is at the center of our life.

Okay guys, so I’m trying something new… I’m going to be doing shorter posts, more frequently throughout the rest of Lent. And so help me God I’m going to try to do less editing and just put out there what He has put on my heart. So please forgive any questionable grammaticals (Like that one right there) and just know that you are reading what’s in my heart and what I feel God is saying to me. Please let me know what you think by commenting below.