Seek ye first the kingdom of God… and all these things will be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33

Recently praying and thanking God for all he has done in so many areas of my life. Realizing that He heals in so many ways; physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.
He  is called Jehovah Rapha ‘The Lord our Healer’.

And I know he has healing in store for us all, that has not yet manifested. I have realized that God wants us to live from the inside out, and perhaps that is how he heals us too. First spiritually, then in our hearts and souls -our thoughts, emotions and desires- then lastly, physically. This would make sense because, truly that is the order of importance.

And  I was thanking God for all his provision; his comfort and his  peace, his joy and strength, his grace, mercy and all the things he provides daily.
God is also called Jehovah Jireh ‘The Lord our Provider’.

As I prayed it occurred to me that maybe I only really need to  thank him for his presence. Because His Presence encompasses all these other things. His presence is comfort. His presence is healing. His presence is peace.

And in His presence is freedom from worry, freedom from lack, freedom from fear. Maybe it’s really only God’s presence that we need to pray for. It covers everything we need.

It’s funny because lately, every time the realization washes over me… he is here with me right now… when this occurs to me, I have an immediate sense of peace, an immediate sense of resting in God’s presence. And an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It’s just an incredibly real feeling, an incredible Truth. Hard to describe, but it’s so different from saying  ‘I think, I feel, I believe.’ It’s like I just know. I know He is there, and I know He is all I need.

Dear Lord, help me to remember that you are comfort,  you are protection, you are love, you are truth you are faith, hope,  trust and so much more…. So when I pray for all these things, I’m really just praying for you to be present to me. I need simply  to pray for the awareness of your presence, believing you are everything you say you are, and I receive all of these things!

In your presence is fullness of joy…Psalm 16:11